Friday, December 26, 2008

Community Service Letterhead For Court

Martedì 30 Dicembre 2008 in Via Venezia



Tuesday, December 30, 2008 18:00
Via Venezia

kisses, hugs and BRINDISI,

To make a point on membership,
on the program and meetings with candidates in the primaries.

The coordinator of the Circle 2 PD 'S.Croce-Ciompi'
Oriella Ferrini - cell. 3393737454

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

La Fitness Legal Cancellation Letter

Incontro Circolo 29 dicembre 2008

Il Circolo PD 2 'S.Croce-Ciompi' is found from the Pig tripe
of Loggia del Mercato Vecchio in Florence
Monday, December 29, 2008 - 14 hours

to exchange greetings for the New Year with a good

Lampredotto and a glass of Chianti Classico

you expect.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Brazilian Wax In Syracuse Ny


Oriella Pieracci us about the following point:

Dear Minister Brunetta,
agree with her when she says that many women want "angels of the hearth, all care and family. In truth, it is mainly the right which historically is a family-centered welfare and woman his point of identity. I have heard several times in recent years also influential Cabinet ministers is part of which you support the motto: "God, Homeland, Family". You understand that this idea is difficult to pursue policies that are opportunità.Allora, having appreciated his statement, the alliance launched a proposal or, if you want a challenge, all politics, all in favor of women: we support the Democratic Party its proposals on the equalization of retirement age and you support the Our project (AS 784) that includes measures to promote women's employment and promoting the reconciliation between work, motherhood and careers. Why is the problem right here, in motherhood, which is still a barrier to access to the labor market, career and achievement of women in a rewarding job. Women today are better educated, but poorer and more insecure than men. For female graduates the wage differential can be up to 25% less. While men are almost all employed graduates, women are the ladies for about 70%. The level of female employment in the South is around 31%. There, the women give up even register on the lists so desperate to find a job placement. But those same women also give up to make inactive children, because the future of marriage and family is more uncertain. One in five women are forced to leave their jobs when their first child is born and can hardly fall in the labor market. The time devoted to the care of a woman who works amounted to an average of four hours and 20 minutes per day, while men are almost relieved: a little over an hour. From these data we want to Minister Brunetta? We want from the educational services and the person? You are aware that the nursery covering a little over 10% of the child population, that at the center than in some North areas of the Lisbon goal, but the South did not come to 2%. The economic measures of Tremonti have so far ignored all these problems: not a planned € or active policies to promote women's work or to continue in the plan for the nursery started by Prodi. Everyone knows that the crisis will weigh mostly on the shoulders of women, who will be the first to lose lavoro.Va well the idea of \u200b\u200binvesting the savings realized with the equalization of retirement in the creation of services that guarantee real equality of opportunity, but - as anyone can see from the data - the situation is so dramatic that some change is saved on Public Administration far from enough just to leave. Give us some signs that will allow us to have faith and do not think that this new government wants to trap women in a further discrimination: the poorer, more burdened with care and also retire later than men.

Senator Franco Vittoria Franco - Shadow Minister for Equal Opportunities of the Government

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Lia Sophia Invitation Wording

Oriella Ferrini ci scrive.

MAH !.....

I never know when you start to reflect on what happens in part because the events follow each other in continuously.

also read that each of us of what happened to change depending on your point of view, people, comrades and friends who attended the same meeting, they give different cutting and reading, on which all of the great bonding and in which we tend involved.
The cry of pain that rises to a strong ethical standards and the pursuit of policy that addresses what is happening, for now produces a large sfogatoio expectations that everyone puts in the party.
The goodness of the criticism and the tension that generates still shows great vitality.
The two nights of the town meeting showed true feelings that are sometimes hidden behind the membership and to the conveniences.
Nel nostro circolo gli schieramenti sono tutti rappresentati ed anche il “non schierarsi” è presente.
La macchina ideale ed organizzativa delle primarie è innescata ed a poco vale lo stand by a cui siamo tutti richiamati, forse dimostra il forte attaccamento ad uno strumento nuovo che affascina tutti, le primarie consentono di misurarsi con la gente nel bene e nel male.
Noi non abbiamo sede e ci penalizza molto, come se nella nostra territorialità dovessimo aspettare di essere visitati, forse ripetiamo quello che nei vertici della nostra dirigenza sta accadendo, sembra di subire le iniziative delle primarie invece di proporle e vagliarle.
Mozioni e raccolta di firme credo siano fuori luogo, il soggetto attuale è la tenuta the Democratic Party into a unity and cohesion of all affiliations and origins.
fierce criticism, and furiously discredit staff are very easy now as never before, the personal characteristics of candidates are attacked, that carry the voices "dismay" the "credibility" and other signs of defeat are given at every meeting but since then have nobody knows .
Numbers count, the character of this town has changed, as they say no longer count on the ideological vote, but the need to fight right there.
Our membership is doing well, who brings us talk about another economic crisis, impoverishment and school to which only we can answer.

-mayor's gesture of our solidarity to which I sent text messages on behalf of the club
-coalition, and then search for new numbers, contained in the terms for the presentation of candidates and a new count of signatures.

Today our leaders meeting in Rome.
Everything in the making.
Meanwhile, public and private meetings to which I would say to everyone to participate for their own interests and curiosity convictions may be cause for enrichment for all those who want it known that we can carry-spread in our circle. Lots of hugs to all

Oriella Ferrini

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

How Did Kimberly Bergalis Contract Aids

Achille Occhetto “Per avere più potere hanno preferito Craxi a Berlinguer

Richard Barenghi interview last secretary of the Communist Party. La Stampa, December 8 2008

Achille Occhetto, l’ultimo segretario del Pci, guarda da lontano, e con un certo dispiacere, le vicende che attanagliano il Partito Democratico. Partito in cui non è mai entrato: «Io pensavo a un superamento del comunismo da sinistra, con una visione alternativa al sistema e soprattutto mettendo al centro della propria cultura politica la questione morale». Invece che cosa è successo ? «Prima voglio dire che non possiamo mettere sullo stesso piano la questione morale che riguarda il centrodestra con questa di cui parliamo in questi giorni. La prima è strutturale, tanto che la incarna Berlusconi. La seconda io la definisco una deviazione, seria e preoccupante, ma comunque una deviazione. Che rivela però misconception of the role of politics and parties. " It will also be a detour, but it lasts for quite some time: it's not the first time that the left is in these situations. "I remember perfectly well that in the early nineties, when our leader Milan was under investigation for bribery, I returned to the Bolognina and I apologized to the party. Not only that radically put into question the mode of being of the parties, the way of doing politics, I said we had to take a step back from the management of the economy, leave the boards of directors, by the same Cooperative ...». And gave it straight? "Needless to dream, there was an uprising of Tuscany and Emilia. Revolt che fu immediatamente utilizzata anche al centro, a Roma, per farmi la guerra». Indovino: D’Alema? «Indovinato». Quindi che strada presero il Pds, poi i Ds e oggi il Partito democratico? «La strada indicata e seguita da Craxi. Ho visto in questi anni autorevoli dirigenti spiegare che tra Berlinguer e Craxi aveva ragione l’ex leader socialista». Si riferisce a Piero Fassino? «Anche ma non solo, è stato un vezzo generale che ha riguardato quasi tutto il gruppo dirigente. Come diceva il vecchio Napoleone Colajanni, il repubblicano e garibaldino dell’Ottocento, "il pesce puzza dalla testa"». Sta dicendo che anche Veltroni e gli altri sono coinvolti? «Ma neanche per sogno, non lo dico perché non I think so. I see that now the problem is in the suburbs, apples, caciques or whatever you call now, whereas for me until the final ruling are all innocent. I am talking about a cultural issue, a vision of politics, "What do you mean? "The ideas of having tipped Berlinguer on clean hands, having chosen to stay on the market as a party, having tried to buy a bank, having rooted for one or the consortium of financiers ... all this has changed the nature of centrosintra. Then it is clear that, going down "ie the branches" in the province are the familiar, the mingling, dinner among friends in snacks made between managers and manufacturers. " But why is This line was chosen because Craxi and Berlinguer? "Because you are carried away from the anxiety of identity, the irrepressible need to enter the parlor. Then, as we see, is not so good. There would be no need of a moral code as he did Zapatero, which reaffirms that the policy must be on another level compared to the business, regardless of the judiciary. Autoregoamentazione a code word. " If you feel like at this point to give advice to the Secretary Veltroni? "Of course, start from that reformism Read Gobetti and Salvemini: the reform of politics as a moral issue. Moving on course for a severe and profound self-criticism. A process that should be done publicly, coinvolgendo più gente possibile, con un atto nobile, una Convenzione, forse anche un Congresso». Occhetto è stato l'ultimo segretario del Partito Comunista Italiano (dal 1988) e il primo segretario del Partito Democratico della Sinistra (fino al 1994); è stato co-fondatore e vicepresidente del Partito del Socialismo Europeo nel 1990, deputato e presidente della Commissione Affari esteri della Camera (dal 1996 al 2001); membro del Consiglio d'Europa dal 2002 al 2006. Alle elezioni politiche del 1994 venne indicato come leader della coalizione di sinistra, ma la vittoria del centrodestra guidato da Berlusconi lo spinse a lasciare la segreteria del partito.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Blue Reno 911 Costume

da IDV : L'allievo supera il Berlusconi calls for collaboration master

Asfissiante come un tormentone stale, reappeared on the scene every now and Licio Gelli. Lingers in the memory of when all the heads of the armed forces of order and were affiliated to his P2 Lodge, and he was a showman of Italian politics. Regrets not having completed its task and is pleased that it does now Berlusconi, who accuses rather lack of determination. How should we weigh his words? Certainly his power to blackmail powerful on many must still be effective. We do not know how many people you talk, or how compelling is her call. Who has touched the saprà.Ma, after decades of riding the dark and covered his representative as a pioneer of the new right is now more fearful that sickly. And it is even to question the insistence of the public interpretation of the claim center to make him a power in reality now svanita.L 'senior political representative of the diverted praises of fascism but it is no longer the primary source of embarrassment: he does Ciarrapico directly from the Senate and he boasts. Recalls the initiation by the sword and white gloves of Berlusconi in his P2 Lodge but only a step confirms that the cardholder 1816 he tried in vain to forget. Treacherous is his affectionate reference to the seriousness of the young Cicchitto, but reached the point where it is, will they be able to become less ashamed of his affiliation to the covered loggia (card 2223) that its role as a promise of current socialist lombardiana. And it is true that the center would pay him the copyright on his program, but we know that you have not already done? At the end we must ask what Gelli can never predict or threaten that has not already happened. The public media are under the control of the owner of the private media (the existence of Sky is the only limit to the monopoly but not broadcast in color). The owner-controller is at the apex of political power. From there, holding a blatant use of state and private enterprise is not enough. He wants to tame the unions (the old dream never faded mansion) and lacks the means to crack their face. But most of all designs and implements a plan to reduce Parliament to docile instrument of transfer and implementation of the will of the government. Exercises the dictatorship of the majority of elected assemblies and builds on the dictatorship of a majority government. Imagine the crowning itself with the final ascent to Quirinale.Basta to understand that Berlusconi is infinitely more dangerous than ever Licio Gelli? And they are no longer from the time its affiliation with the P2 and refining its program with the stain on her figure? In short, the problem is the Italian anomaly and not the fact that this has been kept at baptism by Gelli. And whatever he has done to encourage these e favorirla non basta a dargli la primazia su di essa. Gelli ormai potrebbe benissimo non essere nemmeno esistito, ma l’anomalia italiana non solo esiste ma ha inquinato alla radice la democrazia e la repubblica. E’ più grave che Gelli abbia potuto immaginare di condizionare o fare eleggere presidenti del consiglio e della repubblica, o che Berlusconi abbia fatto già tre volte il presidente del consiglio e cerchi di diventare presidente della repubblica?La classe dirigente di centrosinistra ha indugiato spesso alla retorica sull’appartenenza di Berlusconi alla P2: come se quello fosse il suo difetto principale. Come se un Berlusconi senza P2 fosse un soggetto normale in una democrazia normale. Ma la retorica era solo fumo negli occhi della sua gente. Infatti quella classe dirigente non si è mai fatta scrupolo di intrattenere con lui rapporti compromettenti e sempre autolesionisti per l’intero centrosinistra. Ha dato una mano decisiva a risollevarlo tutte le volte che è stato davvero in difficoltà. I suoi leaders ci si sono scottati; D’Alema con la Bicamerale del 1996, Veltroni nel 2007-2008 con l’attribuzione a Berlusconi del ruolo di interlocutore unico.Entrambi hanno sperimentato quale sia il valore della sua riconoscenza. Ma non è affatto detto che abbiano imparato la lezione.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

How Does Cystitis Start


Fino all'altro giorno:
- l'opposizione e' gente.
- noi andiamo a diritto per la nostra strada, i numeri li abbiamo.
- The financial do not touch, so it's good to have anticipated.
... offenses against Veltroni and Di Pietro .... as synthesis. Today

Berlusconi calls for collaboration in the opposition, now that the 'cake' is burned, he wants to imitate 'the tanned'..... pity that no longer ships to do the singing dancer performer.

course will blame the opposition if his lies and incapacity will not give results.

Razzanelli Today I saw on TV that still has the courage to say that the majority of the Florentines, as referendum, are opposed to the tram .... be politically dishonest to the end is his job (?) .... . had reached at least 50% of voters Florence would be thinking, but even that ..... it means that more than half of the Florentines were not expressed on the tram, so he does not represent the majority of Florentines ..... so did squander public money.
It 's the same old story, try to reason with the PDL is a waste of time! are willing to fight, because if they have placed something to say, meaning they have reason to raise your voice .... a square.
So far I have not read the proposals for Florence from the PDL, except the empty criticism of city government.

I did not know there was so much empty space around ....

Saturday, November 22, 2008

How To Cut An Indian Suit

Renato Brunetta, the first idler

The Hon. Francesco Barbato (IDV) and the definition of 'lazy' by Min Renato Brunetta .....
... renato, renato, renato, so cute and so polite ... renato, renato, renato ....

Friday, November 21, 2008

How To Ask For Money For Honeymoon In Invitation

mail the club this week will be curated by

Bruno apple
contact person responsible for press review -
news information and news from World

coordinator circle 2 Holy Cross-ciompi Oriella Ferrini

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

How Much Does It Cost To Clean A Headstone?

MEMBERSHIP next Saturday November 22 quays Sant'Ambrogio

focuses on next weekend
membership 2008 - 2009 the Democratic Party

Piazza Sant 'Ambrogio corner of Via Verrocchio

Saturday, November 22 from h.10, 00 am to 12.00

"This is a fundamental act for all those who have joined the project of the Democratic Party and for those who wish to share this experience on the ground" Join the

party today More than ever, is to be a part of this project is political constituency, to realize our commitment to Florence today ahead of tomorrow's elections to govern the country: to change it, make it fairer, more cohesive and more modern.
The membership is an important time to confirm the commitment of all citizens in political life. Therefore, we invite

many citizens to take an active part in our organization and above all make a decisive contribution with their own organizational capacities and policies.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Cydia Hacking Sources 2010

Considerations on the program for the new Florence

I have the impression that applications for the next Mayor of the City of Florence is a bit 'too much dwell on the city itself, giving less importance, but due to the debate on the proposal and the need for a metropolitan city. The future of Florence is not only in the vast metropolitan area of \u200b\u200bland policies but the implementation of Chapter III of TUEL accomplished through the establishment and sort of 'underground city'.

On February 8, 2008 in Florence has played a major conference entitled 'What the government for the Florence-Prato-Pistoia Area?' during which they were presented the experiences and solutions of governance adopted by cities such as Trent, La Spezia, Bari, Londra e Lille, per poi seguire con la presentazione dell’approvazione (DGR n. 530 del 17 luglio 2007) del P.A.S.L. (strumento previsto dalla L.R. n.49/99 ‘Norme in materia di programmazione regionale) di area vasta metropolitana delle Provincie e Comuni dell’area metropolitana di Firenze-Prato-Pistoia-Circondario Empolese Valdelsa e le relative 32 schede corrispondenti a progetti in corso di svolgimento o da attuare; il tema ritornerà ad essere oggetto di discussione il 30 ottobre 2008 a Calenzano dove si svolgerà il Seminario ‘Lo stato dell’arte del PASL di area vasta Firenze-Prato-Pistoia’, quindi di attuale interesse.

La Regione Toscana, quale Ente, credo che si possa definire European Region for excellence in the national picture, since attentive to the transposition and implementation of European policies through real programs that receive funds not only economic, but distributes them to say to the good and excellent results in various fields and, thanks also that, with its surrounding Florence is no longer the Tuscan art, culture and tourism - not without having lost the leadership - but also a large area highly urbanized with all the problems related to the movement of life , work and leisure of citizens (which in recent years have seen the rising presence of new citizens from other countries in the EC e da altri continenti, con i quali sono sorti problemi di integrazione civile e nuove economie produttive) per i quali e con gli stessi il PD cerca risposte e soluzioni con gli strumenti della ‘partecipazione’ in attuazione del principio della sussidiarietà, ritenendola una buona politica.

Firenze è interessata:
- da importanti progetti territoriali infrastrutturali finalizzati allo spostamento con mezzi di trasporto pubblici attraverso la realizzazione della tramvia e l’integrazione con la ferrovia - quindi la disenticivazione del trasporto privato – non solo per il rispetto dell’ambiente ma per una nuova qualità della vita, anche se il tema tramvia ha assorbito troppe energie e relative polemiche, as well as important will be the completion of the underpass of the railway crossing and indirectly the next time announced by the Minister Matteoli opening yards of the 'Tyrrhenian corridor'.
- a new vision for land use policies and implementation of new tools: the urban plan, the Landscape Plan, the Provincial Energy Plan (with all issues related to the inclusion of renewable energy a reality built on historical and protected) and the housing plan, naming the main, this will involve the city and the first stars: the residents and all those who qualify for various reasons, study, work, culture and leisure.

The city has proven to be highly civil afford to refuse the army's presence on the streets, demonstrating not need it, and this has been an insult to the right that would 'win' without a project or idea emerged so far except that of making it an area of \u200b\u200bconflict that is combined with ill citizens who have other needs such as simplified and close relationship with the institutions of local government, but this is reality in all cities of a certain size for this and indicates the solution for transformations 'territorial' act took place and in the 'Underground City' for administrative simplification, for the implementation of subsidiarity, a closer for the participation of 'public choice' and also in anticipation of the reform of 'fiscal federalism'.

hope the inclusion in the 'Charter of Metropolitan City' (also should be included in any one of the town) for a declaration of city / municipality to issue a regulation discouraging anti-fascist public events or individual groups of nostalgia, we do not need and divert the 'attention from important things, and conclude by also pointing to the application of Article. 3 p.8) and p.9) of the Statute, to give space to the 'renewal' seeing a woman elected Mayor.

Congratulations to PD.

Arch Bruno La Mela

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Star Wars хентай


November 4 debut
RED RED debut, the new satellite television (Sky channel 890 and streaming on the site ) developed in collaboration between the Foundation and no TV Italianieuropei.

RED (channel 890 on Sky)

Manual De Timex T45581

TV PROGRAM FRAMEWORK Mayors who sign the candidates in the primaries we will talk Tuesday, November 11 to 18 in anti-fascist street venice

Florence is important to us - the program under the PD

Discuss together:

Club 2 We are all invited to Venice via the 'November 11 to h.18, 00

poi alla conferenza programmatica il 14 novembre (in attesa del luogo e dell'ora mettiamo in agenda la data)

due documenti da valutare con attenzione: Uno contiene il programma quadro (la cornice programmatica) che dovrà essere sottoscritta dai candidati alle primarie e che sarà formalmente approvato nel corso della conferenza programmatica cittadina del 14 novembre di cui riceverete comunicazione.

L'altro contiene alcune proposte sulla città metropolitana che dovranno essere inserite nel programma quadro del pd metropolitano (la relativa conferenza programmatic is scheduled for 12 pv

This is - as we have said many times - and not a frame of a comprehensive program with which we begin planning the path that will lead us to define our candidate for Mayor with the mandate of the program to be presented the forthcoming local elections

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Breast Feeding Your Husband

Standards for Municipal Statute

Lately I come draft regulations aimed at clamping down on local prostitution, I am referring to the forecasts of fines to anyone stopping by car to talk to the 'maidens' and 'Signorelli' and I wonder:
- in what capacity you may feel authorized to fine a person because he's talking with those who are not committing a crime?
It is not that much more in favor of prostitution as a profession carried out in the streets (I know that you create nuisances to the peaceful life of the people) and hence will propose the reopening of 'brothels' where anyone (women and men) could do their job, undergo medical examinations and obligation to pay taxes and pension contributions.
Instead I propose to insert in the 'Statute of the City', as secondary standards the law in the art. 119 of the Constitution and in conformity with art. XII of the 'Transitional provisions and end 'of the Constitution, anti-fascist information to allow the City Council to regulate the prohibition punishable for any claim and situation' sign and the word 'be able to refer Apology of fascism (that we know a crime has been decriminalized, and we know also by whom and why), I think we can do in Tuscany:
- forbidden to the 'Roman salute',
- Banned celebrating the Duce,
- not sell 'souvenir' and 'products' with images of Mussolini and symbols Fascists
- forbidden to meetings of people under the symbols glorifying fascism even indirectly, in open places and in the local closed
- monitoring and closure of the local computer sites that contain references to fascism and Nazism,
- etc ... etc ...
course in respect of D. Lgs. 42/2004 - 'Code of Beniculturali and landscape'.

Furio Colombo tells us today on Unity a reality and a story 'despicable' that affects the City of Chiari (BS), whose mayor is a lawyer and Senator League, the city of Cologne was an example for all of Europe .

I close by inviting anyone to visit the 'Youth Action' (PDL) of Pisa to find that under 'Documents', in homepage, risultano due documenti inneggianti la figura di Mussolini e la Dottrina Fascista; tutto regolare e le tristi cronache di questi giorni ce lo confermano.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Old Naruto Sprite Sheets

Fiscal Federalism

Al seguente link il DDL presentato dal Ministro Calderoli sul Federalismo fiscale:

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Jock Straps Witherection

to be there and participate

Da oggi il BLOG rimane lo strumento che si rivolge a tutti gli interessati all’attività del circolo 2 Santa Croce – Ciompi Firenze.

Se nessun volontario si fà avanti non sarà più possibile intrattenere la corrispondenza e l’informazione alla mailing list.

“Ci sembrava che l’idea di creare un blog, cioè uno spazio di discussione e di ascolto aperto alla cittadinanza interessata, fosse nello spirito di chi ha voluto questo strumento per il circolo”…

In questi mesi constatiamo che se da un lato non si è sviluppata ulteriormente la struttura del sito, con sezioni di approfondimento, nessuno degli aderenti, militanti, simpatizzanti del nostro Circolo né fiorentini interessati agli eventi politici hanno approfittato dello spazio dedicato al dibattito e all’ascolto!.

…citando dalla lettera del Segretario Coordinamento Cittadino Giacomo Billi “è un momento importante di ripartenza dell’attività del PD siamo entrati in un periodo cruciale, in cui il nostro partito deve lavorare con grande impegno per dare un nuovo importante contributo alla costruzione del futuro della nostra città”

Da qui ripartiamo e ci auguriamo che questo strumento di comunicazione online possa permettere di fare transitare nella rete una parte significativa della discussione che ha a che fare con le proposte, le idee ed il dibattito attorno al Partito Democratico – alla nostra città – ai prossimi appuntamenti importanti della politica e della democrazia, e per questo sarà ancora aggiornato quotidianamente, nell’intento di dare un’informazione trasparente, libera e aperta sul dibattito in corso all’interno del partito e della nostra città.
Uno spazio dedicato soprattutto ai cittadini e ai fiorentini per esprimersi direttamente sulle proposte del Partito Democratico della città, ma anche ai circoli e ai forum, cioè a chi sta contribuendo all’elaborazione politica e al dibattito in vista delle prossime elezioni amministrative.

E’ importante necessaria ed utile un'approfondita discussione, per cui vi invito ad essere presenti il funzionamento del circolo richiede una partecipazione più corale, non potendo gravare lo sforzo sempre sulle solite poche persone.

“Ci auguriamo ed invitiamo all to be - on those occasions to call on the invitation and the Blog that will be the place electronically, free and open to discussion and debate. "

Best wishes.
Oriella Ferrini coordinator of the club is once again the

Office Accessions PD - Membership : Andrea
MisuriSusanna AgostiniGiovanna RuscitoSilvia Dell'AcquaDaniele Caruso
Treasurer: Alessandro Cruel
Meetings and organizational initiatives organization: Susanna Ferrini AgostiniUgo CaffazSilvia Dell'Acqua Oriella Riccardo Nencini Sandra Cavicchioli
Communication Contact: Silvia Dell'Acqua
Graphics Contact: Mariangela Monks
Institutional Relations: Hugh CaffazElisabetta MeucciRiccardo NenciniSusanna AgostiniToni Companion
Press Relations "Centre": Anna BucciarelliOriella PieracciPaolo Novaselich
Territory Focus: Toni CompagnoGiovanna RuscitoBruno MarcelliGiovanna cell
Territory University and : Oberdan ArmanniOriella PieracciPaola Puma
Referrals Club 's Environment : Bruno The MelaSerge Domingo
Group and Youth Initiatives : Daniel CarusoSilvia Dell'AcquaLorenzo SegattaGiulio Hats
Tempi e Spazi del Centro Storico (dal tramonto all’alba)Ferdinando Gioffrè
Rimane la piena disponibilità ad accogliere proposte e idee per chi fosse interessato ad argomenti o ad organizzare gruppi di lavoro su temi specifici
Il nostro circolo fa riferimento per riunioni, materiale e quant’altro alla sede del partito di via Venezia, 2 (in attesa di una nuova sede sul territorio).
Coordinatrice Circolo Oriella Ferrini
Coordinatrice di Quartiere Sara Martini

Yeast Unfection Bleeding


Coordinamento Cittadino Florence

To the Members of the Assembly Hall of the PD of the Mayor of Florence Florence

To the Board of Aldermen Fiorentina
the Municipal Councillors of the City of Florence PD
the District Councillors of the City of Florence PD
district delegates to the Provincial Assembly Florence

pc The Secretary The Secretary Metropolitan Regional

Members of the 'Regional Executive
To the Members of the Executive Coordinator of the Citizen Forum
PD Florence

Dear, dear

for the day Thursday ' Oct. 30 2008 ore 21.00, presso il Circolo ANDREONI Via Antonio D'Orso 8 - Firenze.
Ordine del Giorno:

1) Comunicazioni del Segretario Cittadino
2) Approvazione del Regolamento Organizzativo delle PRIMARIE Fiorentine
3) Nomina del Comitato Promotore
4) Nomina del Collegio dei Garanti
5) Varie ed eventuali

NB: Allegato trovate il Regolamento Organizzativo delle Primarie Fiorentine.

Cordiali saluti La Presidente Elisabetta Meucci
Regolamento per le elezioni primarie del candidato del PD a sindaco di Firenze
per le elezioni amministrative del 2009

Articolo 1
1. Il presente Regolamento, in attuazione ed in conformità agli Statuti nazionale e regionale, al Regolamento quadro per la selezione delle candidature alle cariche istituzionali, approvato dalla Direzione nazionale del 15 luglio 2008, nonché al Regolamento quadro per le elezioni primarie del Partito Democratico della Toscana per le elezioni amministrative del 2009, approvato dall’Assemblea regionale del 6 settembre 2008, disciplina, nel Comune di Firenze, lo svolgimento delle elezioni primarie per la scelta del candidato sindaco del Partito Democratico.

Article 2 (calling the primary election)

1. The primary election to choose the candidate of the Democratic Party for mayor of Florence for the local elections of 2009 will be held, as required by art. Regulation 2 of the regional framework, Sunday, February 1, 2009. The seats will be open from 8 am to 21.

Article 3 (Organizing Committee)

1. The municipal assembly, proposed by the Municipal Secretary, Organising Committee elects the primaries, of which art. 3, paragraph 1 of the Regulations under National. This Committee is composed of a minimum of 15 to a maximum of 25 members, while respecting the pluralism interno e della rappresentanza dei territori interessati.
2. Il Comitato organizzatore:
· sovrintende allo svolgimento dei lavori;
· vigila sul rispetto del presente regolamento e del Codice di autoregolamentazione per le primarie del PD in Toscana approvato dalla Direzione regionale del 20 ottobre 2008. Segnala prontamente al Collegio di garanzia territoriale ogni eventuale violazione, eventualmente proponendo le misure necessarie a farla cessare ed a consentire il corretto proseguimento delle primarie;
· organizza iniziative comuni fra i candidati e promuove le primarie fra i cittadini, impegnandosi a dare il massimo della pubblicità alla consultazione;
· pubblica sul sito del PD Fiorentino these Regulations, any regulations issued by the Organising Committee, the address where you can send communications to the Organising Committee, the list of candidates, the map of the seats and instructions for voting;
· prepare and delivered in a form on which candidates are REPORTING contributions and services received and expenses incurred;
· prepares the forms for submission of nominations and for collecting signatures in support;
° adopt verification of the documents for submission of applications and of its correctness, the validity of signatures and their consistency with the requirements quantitativi;
· ufficializza la lista dei candidati ammessi e non ammessi e la rende pubblica mediante affissione nelle sedi del Partito Democratico e nei circoli;
· definisce il numero e la localizzazione dei seggi elettorali;
· nomina Presidenti di seggio e scrutatori;
· stabilisce un numero di seggi e di scrutatori che sia in numero tale da garantire un ordinato e scorrevole svolgimento del voto;
· stabilisce le modalità con le quali i candidati possono nominare propri rappresentanti all’interno dei seggi;
· redige le istruzioni per le operazioni di voto;
· predispone la stampa, la consegna ed il ritiro della modulistica on the exercise of voting
· provides the forms to receive financial contributions paid by the voters;
· by receiving the list of voters and by the organization of the subscription to the list during the course of the primaries;
· Collect contributions and account for them;
· is organized to manage the voting process and receipt of results, test results submitted by the Presidents of the seats with the record, declare the results and the winner of the primaries;
· available and approve appropriate budgetary authority within two months make it public.
3. The posts of member of the organizing committee of the primary nel comune di Firenze, di componente dei Collegi di garanzia comunale, territoriale e regionale e di candidato alle primarie per la scelta del candidato del Partito Democratico a sindaco di Firenze sono tra di loro incompatibili.

Articolo 4

1. Possono partecipare alle primarie le persone che, alla data nella quale le primarie stesse si tengono, abbiano compiuto il sedicesimo anno di età, già registrate nell’albo degli elettori del Partito Democratico o che, cittadine o cittadini italiani nonché cittadine e cittadini dell’Unione europea residenti nel territorio comunale, cittadine e cittadini di altri paesi in possesso di permesso di soggiorno, iscritti e non iscritti al Partito Democratico, dichiarino di riconoscersi nella proposta politica del Partito, di sostenerlo alle elezioni, e accettino di essere registrate nell’Albo pubblico delle elettrici e degli elettori al momento del voto.

Articolo 5
(Presentazione delle candidature)

1. Possono essere candidati alle primarie per la carica di Sindaco della città di Firenze i cittadini in possesso dei requisiti di legge che li rendano eleggibili a tale carica, la cui candidatura non sia in contrasto con il Codice etico del Partito Democratico e che abbiano sottoscritto il Regolamento quadro per la selezione delle candidature alle cariche istituzionali, approvato dalla Direzione nazionale il 15 luglio 2008, il Codice etico, lo Statuto nazionale del Partito Democratico, il presente Regolamento e il Codice di autoregolamentazione per le primarie del PD in Toscana;
2. la candidatura a Sindaco di Firenze può essere avanzata con un numero di sottoscrizioni di componenti dell’Assemblea comunale fiorentina pari al dieci per cento;( da discutere la questione delle firme degli elettori )
3. ogni sottoscrittore non può sottoscrivere più di una candidatura;
4. i moduli per l’accettazione della candidatura e per la raccolta delle sottoscrizioni devono essere predisposti dal Comitato organizzatore del comune di Firenze. Riportano il contrassegno a colori del Partito Democratico, ma possono essere stampati ed utilizzati in bianco e nero;
5. le sottoscrizioni non hanno bisogno di autenticazione and are considered valid if harvested in the presence of Democratic Party members who hold one of the following positions: national or European Parliamentary, counselor or councilor, provincial and municipal and district councils, provided that no candidate in the primaries for the office of mayor of the town Florence;
6. subscriptions in support of applications may be collected from November 15, 2008 and for three weeks;
7. acceptance of the bid and the signatures must be delivered in writing to the Organising Committee of the territorial city of Florence, on pain of annulment of the application by December 6, 2008;
8. applications are valid se accompagnate da una autocertificazione circa il soddisfacimento dei requisiti previsti dallo Statuto e dal Codice etico;
9. il Comitato organizzatore procede alla verifica della documentazione di presentazione delle candidature e della sua correttezza, della validità delle sottoscrizioni e della loro congruità rispetto ai requisiti quantitativi;
10. il Comitato organizzatore può eventualmente accordare 48 ore di tempo ai candidati per integrare la documentazione richiesta dal presente articolo;
11. eventuali ricorsi per violazione delle norme del presente articolo devono essere presentati entro e non oltre le ore 20 del 10 dicembre 2008 al Collegio di garanzia territoriale, che decide con unico e inappellabile giudizio entro il 12 dicembre 2008;
12. dopo le ore 20 del 10 dicembre 2008, in mancanza di ricorsi o contestazioni, il Comitato organizzatore rende noti i nomi dei candidati alle Primarie;
13. i ricorsi contro la decisione di cui al comma precedente devono essere presentati al Collegio di garanzia territoriale entro le ore 20 del 12 dicembre. Il Collegio di garanzia territoriale esaurisce l’esame di tali ricorsi entro e non oltre il 15 dicembre 2008, in modo che entro e non oltre il 17 dicembre 2008 il Comitato organizzatore possa procedere al sorteggio di cui al comma 15 del presente articolo.
14. Non si svolgono le elezioni primarie nel caso in cui, nei tempi prescritti dal presente regolamento, sia stata avanzata una sola candidatura, oppure nel caso in cui solo una delle candidature avanzate soddisfi i requisiti previsti dal precedente comma 9;
15. terminate tutte le operazioni della presentazione dei candidati e degli eventuali ricorsi, il Comitato organizzatore stabilisce, mediante sorteggio da effettuarsi alla presenza dei candidati o dei loro delegati, il numero d’ordine da assegnare a ciascun candidato. I nomi dei candidati saranno riportati sulle schede e su qualsiasi altro materiale prodotto per la campagna d’informazione secondo l’ordine assegnato dal sorteggio.

Articolo 6
(Campagna elettorale per le primarie)

1. Le regole a cui si dovranno attenere i candidati nel corso della campagna elettorale sono contenute nel “Codice di autoregolamentazione per le primary PD in Tuscany "approved by the Regional Directorate of October 20, 2008.

Article 7 (subscription of the program under PD)

Applicants must sign and take ownership of the Framework Programme formally approved by the city of the Democratic Party.

Article 8 (share of contribution for participation in the primaries)

voters participating in the primaries to be paid at the time of the vote, a share of at least 1 (one) Euro. The fees collected are of relevance to the polls of the Democratic Party that the city will use to cover expenses incurred in managing the campaign of the primaries.
Articolo 9
(Modalità del voto e dello spoglio)

Le elezioni primarie per la scelta del candidato a sindaco del Partito Democratico del Comune di Firenze si svolgono con il metodo della maggioranza relativa, cioè vince il candidato che ha ottenuto il maggior numero di voti validi.
Le modalità del voto e dello spoglio verranno stabilite da un successivo e dettagliato vademecum organizzativo predisposto dal Comitato organizzatore, sulla base delle indicazioni riportate ai commi successivi.
Nei seggi elettorali e nei locali delle sedi dove questi sono stati costituiti non possono esserci cartelli di propaganda elettorale affissi nel giorno nel quale si vota. In questo stesso giorno non è consentita alcuna forma of electioneering.
Before the voting cards are initialed by the President of the polling, the scrutineers and the representatives of candidates.
To vote you must present an ID proving residence in the Municipality of Florence.
Each voter can only vote in the polling that includes its own polling station. Minors and the foreign vote in the polling, which includes the polling station where he would vote if they were right.
voter expresses a preference only making a cross at the selected candidate. The ballot must state the names of the candidates in the order resulting from the draw in art. 5, paragraph 15.
Balloting began immediately after the vote last voter in the polling station at the time of closing. In the minutes, signed by the President and the scrutineers, the results are transcribed and any dispute by a member of the bench. The same report is delivered immediately by the President of the seat to the Organising Committee, together with the ballots.
The Organising Committee, based on reports of polls conducted at polling stations, shall identify the candidate receiving the most votes (the relative majority method), which therefore becomes the candidate of the Democratic Party for the election of the mayor of Florence in the spring of 2009.
any claims per violazione delle norme del presente articolo e in genere per violazione delle norme del procedimento elettorale devono essere presentati entro e non oltre le ore 20 del 3 febbraio 2009 al Collegio di garanzia territoriale, che decide con unico e inappellabile giudizio entro il 5 febbraio 2009.

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BAG IN CRISIS AND THE TFR funds in retirement? - 2 revisits the Circle is a note from blog Cricket

Chi ha tenuto il suo TFR in azienda ha avuto un rendimento del 3,5%. Chi, seguendo il consiglio dei sindacati, dei partiti e dei promotori finanziari, lo ha investito nei fondi pensione ha perso circa il 20%. Ed è solo l'inizio. Con la Borsa in picchiata, per i futuri pensionati la liquidazione servirà per il cappuccino e il becchime per i piccioni. Sindacati, Confindustria, Partiti e Banche si are swallowed another treasure. No longer remains almost nothing to strip the flesh off the city. They can only cut services, schools, police, the health of the pan until the epilogue in Argentina. "If you work in the private sector and not say anything before the end of June, your severance pay will end in assets under management. An adventure to shake wrists. For two decades, mutual funds are losing money. And pension funds are ready to repeat the same disasters. The tacit consent is a trap. They change the cards on the table without asking for anything. It 's the game of the three blocks with the money of a lifetime. It is true that building a pension supplement: give severance pay to feed the asset management industry. " Beppe Grillo June 6, 2007 .
Read the letter Beppe Scienza, mathematician, scholar of savings and retirement accounts.
Three million Italians in jail, by Beppe Scienza "For Italians, the supplementary pension is like a prison. Unions and economists regime (Marcello Messori, Giuliano Cassola, Elsa Fornero, etc..), Have pulled a trick with pension funds . About three million workers have abandoned their TFR and now I'm trapped forever. Moreover fooled by those who wanted to enrich their shoulders, as the management company that Soul had the gall to say: 'The investment in a pension fund is a smart choice. " We have seen that kind of choice was: the summer of 2007 a blow after another. The trap was activated in June last year. Since then it went bad first and then badly in 2008. They know something the chemical workers (Fonchim bottom) and at the end of September lost 14.8% year to date, metalworkers (bottom Comet) with a loss of 10% or railroad (Eurofer bottom) with a deficit of 17%. These are the stock minus the lines, but the others have done worse TFR.Però of the most serious thing is the lack of freedom. People who joined a pension fund, especially at the insistence of unions, is condemned as for life. As long as he works, his severance pay will continue to end up there, willy-nilly. But retiring will get only probation. Half of what you will be saved (the so-called mast), can not withdraw it because it will be converted into an annuity, on terms decided by altri.Purtroppo can not even hope in the grace of the Head of State. For the supplementary pension is not provided. On the other hand can change cell every two years. That is, for example, can switch from one line and a guaranteed share, remaining in that fund. Too bad that these guarantees is just propaganda, with lines "guaranteed" in a negative 3% since the beginning of 2008 (bottom Fonchim)! Wanting may also changing prison. That is not only the line of management but also the bottom. However, can not regain their freedom: a life sentence is life imprisonment! He remained at liberty those who only took the TFR. Quiet and safe, he sees it grow day by day (about 3.5% by early 2008). If you change jobs or retire it receives all at once, and it is free to do what he wants. So he did know who has heard the advice of Beppe Grillo, my or even Famiglia Cristiana. On the other unions of the nerve has no limits. Not content with the bottom of disfiguring collected for the school (Hesperus), a few days ago CGIL, CISL, UIL and so on. met to join two to cover the entire public sector ( Sirius and Perseus). It sounds like a joke. "Beppe Scienza

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public debate organized by the Circle of Pd Novoli, together with the Pd and Pd Coordination Coordination Metropolitan City Friday, October 31 21:00
VIVA HOTEL ALEXANDER Viale Guidoni 101 - Florence.


Andrew Barden, Secretary Florence Metropolitan PD James
Billi, Florence Municipal Secretary PD
Sandro Rogari, Provost University of Florence
Hon Vittoria Franco, Equal Opportunities Minister Hon Shadow Government PD
Vannino Chiti, Vice President of the Senate Hon
Rosa De Pasquale.
Massimo PD Mattei, President of the Provincial Council
Alberto Cintron, Board Member, University of Florence