Sunday, November 2, 2008

Breast Feeding Your Husband

Standards for Municipal Statute

Lately I come draft regulations aimed at clamping down on local prostitution, I am referring to the forecasts of fines to anyone stopping by car to talk to the 'maidens' and 'Signorelli' and I wonder:
- in what capacity you may feel authorized to fine a person because he's talking with those who are not committing a crime?
It is not that much more in favor of prostitution as a profession carried out in the streets (I know that you create nuisances to the peaceful life of the people) and hence will propose the reopening of 'brothels' where anyone (women and men) could do their job, undergo medical examinations and obligation to pay taxes and pension contributions.
Instead I propose to insert in the 'Statute of the City', as secondary standards the law in the art. 119 of the Constitution and in conformity with art. XII of the 'Transitional provisions and end 'of the Constitution, anti-fascist information to allow the City Council to regulate the prohibition punishable for any claim and situation' sign and the word 'be able to refer Apology of fascism (that we know a crime has been decriminalized, and we know also by whom and why), I think we can do in Tuscany:
- forbidden to the 'Roman salute',
- Banned celebrating the Duce,
- not sell 'souvenir' and 'products' with images of Mussolini and symbols Fascists
- forbidden to meetings of people under the symbols glorifying fascism even indirectly, in open places and in the local closed
- monitoring and closure of the local computer sites that contain references to fascism and Nazism,
- etc ... etc ...
course in respect of D. Lgs. 42/2004 - 'Code of Beniculturali and landscape'.

Furio Colombo tells us today on Unity a reality and a story 'despicable' that affects the City of Chiari (BS), whose mayor is a lawyer and Senator League, the city of Cologne was an example for all of Europe .

I close by inviting anyone to visit the 'Youth Action' (PDL) of Pisa to find that under 'Documents', in homepage, risultano due documenti inneggianti la figura di Mussolini e la Dottrina Fascista; tutto regolare e le tristi cronache di questi giorni ce lo confermano.


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