Sunday, November 9, 2008

Cydia Hacking Sources 2010

Considerations on the program for the new Florence

I have the impression that applications for the next Mayor of the City of Florence is a bit 'too much dwell on the city itself, giving less importance, but due to the debate on the proposal and the need for a metropolitan city. The future of Florence is not only in the vast metropolitan area of \u200b\u200bland policies but the implementation of Chapter III of TUEL accomplished through the establishment and sort of 'underground city'.

On February 8, 2008 in Florence has played a major conference entitled 'What the government for the Florence-Prato-Pistoia Area?' during which they were presented the experiences and solutions of governance adopted by cities such as Trent, La Spezia, Bari, Londra e Lille, per poi seguire con la presentazione dell’approvazione (DGR n. 530 del 17 luglio 2007) del P.A.S.L. (strumento previsto dalla L.R. n.49/99 ‘Norme in materia di programmazione regionale) di area vasta metropolitana delle Provincie e Comuni dell’area metropolitana di Firenze-Prato-Pistoia-Circondario Empolese Valdelsa e le relative 32 schede corrispondenti a progetti in corso di svolgimento o da attuare; il tema ritornerà ad essere oggetto di discussione il 30 ottobre 2008 a Calenzano dove si svolgerà il Seminario ‘Lo stato dell’arte del PASL di area vasta Firenze-Prato-Pistoia’, quindi di attuale interesse.

La Regione Toscana, quale Ente, credo che si possa definire European Region for excellence in the national picture, since attentive to the transposition and implementation of European policies through real programs that receive funds not only economic, but distributes them to say to the good and excellent results in various fields and, thanks also that, with its surrounding Florence is no longer the Tuscan art, culture and tourism - not without having lost the leadership - but also a large area highly urbanized with all the problems related to the movement of life , work and leisure of citizens (which in recent years have seen the rising presence of new citizens from other countries in the EC e da altri continenti, con i quali sono sorti problemi di integrazione civile e nuove economie produttive) per i quali e con gli stessi il PD cerca risposte e soluzioni con gli strumenti della ‘partecipazione’ in attuazione del principio della sussidiarietà, ritenendola una buona politica.

Firenze è interessata:
- da importanti progetti territoriali infrastrutturali finalizzati allo spostamento con mezzi di trasporto pubblici attraverso la realizzazione della tramvia e l’integrazione con la ferrovia - quindi la disenticivazione del trasporto privato – non solo per il rispetto dell’ambiente ma per una nuova qualità della vita, anche se il tema tramvia ha assorbito troppe energie e relative polemiche, as well as important will be the completion of the underpass of the railway crossing and indirectly the next time announced by the Minister Matteoli opening yards of the 'Tyrrhenian corridor'.
- a new vision for land use policies and implementation of new tools: the urban plan, the Landscape Plan, the Provincial Energy Plan (with all issues related to the inclusion of renewable energy a reality built on historical and protected) and the housing plan, naming the main, this will involve the city and the first stars: the residents and all those who qualify for various reasons, study, work, culture and leisure.

The city has proven to be highly civil afford to refuse the army's presence on the streets, demonstrating not need it, and this has been an insult to the right that would 'win' without a project or idea emerged so far except that of making it an area of \u200b\u200bconflict that is combined with ill citizens who have other needs such as simplified and close relationship with the institutions of local government, but this is reality in all cities of a certain size for this and indicates the solution for transformations 'territorial' act took place and in the 'Underground City' for administrative simplification, for the implementation of subsidiarity, a closer for the participation of 'public choice' and also in anticipation of the reform of 'fiscal federalism'.

hope the inclusion in the 'Charter of Metropolitan City' (also should be included in any one of the town) for a declaration of city / municipality to issue a regulation discouraging anti-fascist public events or individual groups of nostalgia, we do not need and divert the 'attention from important things, and conclude by also pointing to the application of Article. 3 p.8) and p.9) of the Statute, to give space to the 'renewal' seeing a woman elected Mayor.

Congratulations to PD.

Arch Bruno La Mela


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