Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Brazilian Wax In Syracuse Ny


Oriella Pieracci us about the following point:

Dear Minister Brunetta,
agree with her when she says that many women want "angels of the hearth, all care and family. In truth, it is mainly the right which historically is a family-centered welfare and woman his point of identity. I have heard several times in recent years also influential Cabinet ministers is part of which you support the motto: "God, Homeland, Family". You understand that this idea is difficult to pursue policies that are opportunità.Allora, having appreciated his statement, the alliance launched a proposal or, if you want a challenge, all politics, all in favor of women: we support the Democratic Party its proposals on the equalization of retirement age and you support the Our project (AS 784) that includes measures to promote women's employment and promoting the reconciliation between work, motherhood and careers. Why is the problem right here, in motherhood, which is still a barrier to access to the labor market, career and achievement of women in a rewarding job. Women today are better educated, but poorer and more insecure than men. For female graduates the wage differential can be up to 25% less. While men are almost all employed graduates, women are the ladies for about 70%. The level of female employment in the South is around 31%. There, the women give up even register on the lists so desperate to find a job placement. But those same women also give up to make inactive children, because the future of marriage and family is more uncertain. One in five women are forced to leave their jobs when their first child is born and can hardly fall in the labor market. The time devoted to the care of a woman who works amounted to an average of four hours and 20 minutes per day, while men are almost relieved: a little over an hour. From these data we want to Minister Brunetta? We want from the educational services and the person? You are aware that the nursery covering a little over 10% of the child population, that at the center than in some North areas of the Lisbon goal, but the South did not come to 2%. The economic measures of Tremonti have so far ignored all these problems: not a planned € or active policies to promote women's work or to continue in the plan for the nursery started by Prodi. Everyone knows that the crisis will weigh mostly on the shoulders of women, who will be the first to lose lavoro.Va well the idea of \u200b\u200binvesting the savings realized with the equalization of retirement in the creation of services that guarantee real equality of opportunity, but - as anyone can see from the data - the situation is so dramatic that some change is saved on Public Administration far from enough just to leave. Give us some signs that will allow us to have faith and do not think that this new government wants to trap women in a further discrimination: the poorer, more burdened with care and also retire later than men.

Senator Franco Vittoria Franco - Shadow Minister for Equal Opportunities of the Government


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