Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Tea Recommenations For Costochondritis
Thanks to a wonderful girl named Nicole in Rome, started a research on the origins of the surname and its variant Iommi Jommi that would result from the same branch. Thanks to the study center Roma in Rome, we got confirmation of Romani origin of this word. In particular, "IOM" and I mean man-iom could be translated as, "I am a man." This starting point, together with specific physical traits applicants (olive skin, dark hair and eyes) have given way to begin a search that led us to the following conclusions, confirmed every day by new elements: The
Iommi, originally are a nomadic family, probably xoraxanè rom, game centuries ago by India (where they worked iron, then the working poor as it was considered demonic) [but perhaps even before the area of \u200b\u200bthe Middle East] because of persecution, war or an earthquake and arrived at the beginning of '400 in the former Yugoslavia by which it moved, finally, in the Marche and in particular the area of \u200b\u200bFermo. Here Iommi followed the popular festivals and fairs, holding on with crafts and entertainment. In fact, many Iommi, even today, or in the century before this, are addicted to travel, art and craft (especially metal-working). The Papal State, which did not accept their pilgrimage, forced them to stop, populating some abandoned villages of Marche. Forced them not to speak their language and separated them from their women, forcing them to integrate.
received from contacts appears that some families even keep track of all but faded memories of this history, which has now received sufficient confirmation to be considered true.
Invite anyone who can give us more details, will join the search stops at the moment or just want to have any other information email me or leave comments on this post. Iommi
I hope that all can be fascinated by this story as we left and I Nicoletta, the girl who made it possible to make this reality.
Diagram Of Boat Parts
I thought I'd gather all the information we have in one post, so that those interested can read directly the conclusions we arrived.
However, in doing so, I deleted the comments of those who have heard in his own way to contribute to the public below. I invite you to email me if you have any news for me or if you want more explanations on the search stops at the moment.
Iommi Manuel said ...
Hello ... I too am a "Iommi" .. If I was looking for info on the origin of the name and I came across your site ...
Well I read a bit 'what you wrote ... but my grandfather (who lives in Macerata) spoke to me a few years ago the origin of the name Roma, which has been discovered through the research carried out by specialist companies in this field ...
PS: If you can affect I live in Treviso! Hello!
Radiant said ...
've already seen: MATRAS Yaron, Romani: a linguistic introduction, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2002? In the reviews I found in describes the contents of the chapters and it is said that there is also extensive bibliography. The book, just by eye, could come very handy if you need a linguistic analysis, the references might give you some tip for onomastics and the like.
I do not know which libraries near you can find the volume, but simply research on classical and functional OPAC SBN always ... ;)
Radiant said ...
It was not pretty ... : (It must have been drunk or worse ... which is not justified, of course: D
The coincidence that I came to mind, however, is even more precise, if possible: a young Tony Iommi lost the last two phalanges (or half phalanges, can not remember) of the right hand (for him the "Keyboard", being left-handed) in an accident at work. disheartened, he wanted to stop playing, but when he read that the famous jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt (a maestro in his field! ) played with ring and little fingers atrophied following a fire which was victim was a boy. So even Iommi took courage, and soon after, became one of the greatest riff-maker who knows the history of rock.
The curiosity is that Django Reinhardt was of Roma origin .. : 2 of my fathers siblings alive and my Aunt tells me that my grandfather was from outside of Rome. I am very interested in finding family- as Iommi is such an unusual Italian name- I assume we must all be related. I was born & raised in NY and am the youngest of 7 children. I now live outside of NY, in New Jersey. I am a nurse and my husband is a physician. We have 2 children. Do you live in Italy? You're English is very good - much better than my Italian!!! Thank you for finding me!!! Jeri
ha detto... Carissima,
ti scrivo ancora anche se non ho novità di rilievo da comunicarti.
Qualora possa esere utile, quale traccia da seguire, per sviluppare il vostro I can tell you that working families Montappone Iommi were and still are active in the processing of straw hats first hour of other materials that best suits the current needs of the people. My family in particular has a long tradition, "Hatter" so much so that we have the machines, I think unique in the world, for the finishing of straw hats. Coal-fired, that the ironing plate was heated with coals which bisognova from time to time to let air to keep them alive. You can imagine how healthy the working environment! Many hatters, in March, April, came to us to stretch, with a fee of a few pounds, the straw hats that were produced and then sold directly in the summer months to walk to the campaigns of neighboring countries (sometimes not even that, in fact I remember that one arrived at a village near Fano and another in Silvi Marina in Pescara).
My father was one of them, we work with that is "played" the health and left us prematurely.
For my family this could not be helped, however, the only income, but sopprattutto continued the tradition of our ancestors.
On these machines, I worked as a child too, although for me it was a game we knew to do. Then I am dedicated to each other and the family tradition: Manufacturers, "batters" (this was the term used for the work you did with those machines ") and sellers si è definitivamente interrotta. Se questo argomento è utile a qualcosa ho anche del materiale fotografico ed eventualmente posso mettervi in contatto con qualcuno che si interessa da anni delle tradizioni di Montappone.
ha detto...
nicoletta ti ha spedito la mappa del cognome IOMMI in Italia. Per consultarla ti è sufficente cliccare sul link seguente:
Emanuela ha detto...
Ciao Sara,
perdona il mio ritardo ma questi giorni sono stata molto presa, ho appena
comprato casa e tra i vari preventivi
di lavori I have not had a minute's peace.
It 's true of our physical traits, and our lives have many similarities and
this really amazing thing. How many people are unable to find until now? also organized the meetings? would be nice to gather all of them.
a big kiss
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
What Is The Least Busy Dmv Office Los Angeles?
La tecnologia UMTS ormai presente su gran parte dei cellulari ragiona in base alla quantità di informazioni inviate e proprio per questo un SMS che pesa meno di 1KB verrà a costare appena un centesimo (forse anche meno). Quel centesimo è dunque il costo necessario al trasferimento del messaggio attraverso i server di Davide. E nient’altro. Niente tasse o interessi vari: solo il prezzo effettivo del servizio .
Se, come affermato dal ragazzo, il progetto era partito qualche tempo per gioco assieme ad un suo friend, now the issue has become serious: David has opened a small company its Mobile Solutions Ltd thanks to financial support of his father who also became his partner. The site is but because / because of the many services on TV and newspapers , became largely unworkable through / because of the incredible incoming traffic. At the moment the site is available for finding information on the main software for sending SMS to 1 cent and if you try to visit it, you are redirected Blog promises before All the timely resolution of the problem of traffic on that site.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
When Must I Take Mydeferred Annuity?
not end there. In the claims made by Perfect 10, Microsoft would be explicitly linked to images password protected, and then violated in every respect of legal information portal.
remember that the initiatives undertaken by Perfect 10 court did not have much success. On the one hand there is the site claims that its exclusive rights and has no plans to share its contents with search engines that disseminate them without regard to the revenue of the site from which to draw. Other hand, however, there are the interests "consumers" entitled to access the contents of the search engine and then exceed those of the damaged site. In doing so ended the argument against Google: the first stage of the process in favor of Perfect 10, which would be the victim reliance by Google : the decision is reversed in his favor .
There are all the clues for thinking that this time will end up like this ... Or maybe not?
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Best Singles Resorts Punta Cana
I was not alone in believing that whoever wrote it did so only to trigger fuse ... then you are badly off in readers' comments.
Resident Evil has always been (and apparently always will be) focused on zombie horror stories ... but even if they do not, those who follow the game sono bene abituati a questo tipo di meccanica. Ricordiamo inoltre che nella scorsa uscita, RE4 mostrava sempre le solite scene di lotta e sangue ai danni dei Ganados, di civiltà espressamente ispanica : in quel caso non si alzò nessun polverone. Giusto: è un gioco. Sono zombie: si uccidono . Non c’è nulla di più intrinseco… questa volta gli zombie sono di colore… qualcuno ha persino pensato che sia una bella idea, ma non perché è xenofobo! Solo perché si vede qualcosa di nuovo!
Insomma, chi ha scritto accusando RE5 di razzismo è stato a sua volta (e a ragione, aggiungerei) tacciato della stessa fobia. Perché? Semplice: ha dimostrato di muoversi solo per la virtuale uccisione dei neri , ma come è successo per ben quattro volte, non ha detto una parola sui massacri dei bianchi . In qualche modo giustificandoli, quindi. Altrimenti avrebbe detto qualcosa anche per le scorse uscite di Resident Evil.
Ora una piccola N.D.R.. Sono pronta a scommettere che la stessa situazione si sarebbe creata se il nero fosse stato l’assassino e non la vittima. Chi ama accusare di razzismo il prossimo dimostra una grande propensione al puntare il dito contro qualcuno. Non importa chi. Se il militare che uccide gli zombie neri , lo fosse stato anch’egli , di certo RE5 sarebbe finito alla barra degli imputati “perché il gioco rivela un’indole violenta e aggressiva lontana dalla realtà dando un’ immagine negativa del popolo nero ”… come già è successo per GTA e altri.
E pensare che si è partiti solo da 3 minuti di trailer...
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Crystal Trees For Center Pieces
E’ successo ad un militare americano che, dopo aver alzato un po’ troppo il gomito in un locale alla moda, si è andato a stendere su un materasso ad acqua dove (inspiegabilmente) stava sonnecchiando una quindicenne con la sua famiglia. Tragedia. La ragazza si sveglia mentre l’uomo la stava praticamente violentando.
Per quanto riguarda il militare, a detta sua, si è ritrovato nudo in mezzo ad una strada senza sapere neanche perchè (Will it?) And when it rang in the room he was greeted by screams and insults and saw a girl crying. Once dressed and taken back out, he explained what he had done. He (!) Was under shok and was not sure what had happened, he thought it was a joke well orchestrated.
The court has acquitted totally in what he has given a 'temporary sickness, sleepwalking nervous in fact, following his call in the U.S. Army and then in a very strong physical and psychological stress . He luckily found the strength to go and apologize to the fifteen and his family ... thank goodness! I dare not imagine the face that poor girl who woke up with a guy that was going down on heavy ... I did not think of a sleepwalking person could be so dangerous. For the other mean.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Internet Filter Sprint
come to us is the Ministry of Health that, realizing what ambiguous and incomprehensible to those notions are given very fast at the end of the spot, decided to issue a decree prohibiting the " audio compression, the collapse all the key information in seconds, and most importantly lowering the volume (if the advertising is completely screaming against everything the opposite).
Now, almost by law, the commercials that have to do with pharmaceuticals or with personal hygiene or household must be "under" well in articulating the dangers that could arise through the use of a particular product. All those responsible should be put in rule by August 21 ... not that I think a lot ... but the mere fact of talking about it makes me realize that I was not the only one remaining question mark on his face feeling what they say at the end of the advertisement. Nothing
pappardelle pronounced at the speed of light, then. It was even now, at least recover the recoverable amount. One thing is certain (the same thing that makes me believe that this measure will not in port): spots will last much longer (and therefore also increase the price to pay for the public) to say everything up to this currently have only squeezed in a few seconds ... because if you try to read those tiny scrittine appearing as the voice of the pronunciation, it becomes conto che sono davvero un bel po’!
Sono proprio curiosa di vedere queste pubblicità dopo il provvedimento!
High Quality Wrapping Paper
Negli ultimi tempi, a dire il vero, i rumors non erano stati dei più sereni. Second Life è ormai appestata dalla pedofilia e non si sa bene come intervenire; In più, proprio negli ultimi giorni si è addirittura sentito parlare di attentati terroristici . Per fortuna ci sono di mezzo solo avatar, ma ormai si dovrebbe understand one thing: apparently people are not looking in the web a better place, but a simple projection of real life, with all its injustice and its horrors.
short, in this beautiful climate, he decided to Linden Lab's Second Life! Give the word to his people! be enough to hold headphones and microphone to talk in real time with other avatars. While it may look nice, innovative and stimulating, the other is not .
The whole project was started Second Life way, with the kind of democratic spirit and community that was to bind people around the world in this virtual reality. And so was. But for how long?! little, very little . Once past the curiosity of the moment Second Life has been a partial failure and beyond. One way to act indiscriminately without putting my face and not take responsibility .
voice! Now we just needed the word! Imagine what will happen in the corridors of Second Life if it has happened so far that has happened without anything at all! But basically, this is also trade.
Mysore Mallikabluefilim
Anche in passato le sue imprese l’hanno resa celebre come icona grunge femminile tanto primordiale e violenta da sfociare più di una volta nel volgare. La diva tutt’altro che inossidabile ha sempre amato mostrarsi, anche quando non era proprio il caso. Ultimamente ha dato prova della sua consueta spavalderia nel farsi fotografare nuda, coperta al massimo da un paio di calze o mutandine che coprono il copribile (non che la Love soffra di eccessiva pudicità). Qui le immagini originali censurate con attention, you can click to see them au naturel.
The photographs were taken for the magazine and the cover POP announces its contents. Courtney Love has always amazed, but at this time, the decision to publish photos of naked, according to the gossips seems to be the whole issue of advertising . The images appear ambiguously near the exit of his latest autobiography Dirty Blonde: The Diaries of Courtney Love and portray the artist pool accessories Prada, Bulgari jewels and so on.
Who follows long as I do too, knows how to take the matter. Above and beyond publicity stunts, Courtney Love has already prepared the controversy . There continues to be outraged by the most banal truism, then, in the face of things a little more serious ... no nothing, empty, end. In short, the comments were many and too strong, but there is no reason to make so much noise! E 'Courtney Love ... has always been so, has always made noise ... that's why it should not keep more than one hour ... we should have to be used after twenty years and yet there is still breath to argue such nonsense!
publicity stunt?! So be it! Everybody tries to make money as they can. Even Elton John has fatto chissà quanti soldi con la canzone dedicata a Lady Diana... Insomma, salti chi può!
Monday, August 6, 2007
Replacing Closet Flange Rings
In un periodo tremendo per le stragi su strade e autostrade , le notizie e i provvedimenti che arrivano da tutto il Paese sono i più disparati e soprattutto non proprio calzanti. Ricordiamo che in questi mesi, la strada mieterà le stesse vittime di una guerra per la semplice imperizia, o peggio menefreghismo, di chi guida.
E se Agip ci ricorda di Viaggiare Coccolati cioè di avere un caffè gratis la notte se iscritti a chissà quale servizio e presentandosi con una tessera per non pagare 70 centesimi di caffè , dal Nord Italia arriva un’altra intelligentissima quanto indicata promozione: il gratta-e-bevi .
Come si intuisce dal nome, i premi sono i bevande ... non aranciata, coca-cola e acqua a scelta tra frizzante e gassata... sono cicchetti veri e propri! Dobbiamo dire che, per onor del vero, questi controsensi non avvengono solo in Italia e purtroppo è ancora peggio perchè ancora più persone saranno colpite dalla viva creatività di chi studia questi affari.
In America la società ferroviaria AmTrak offrirà gratuitamente bevande alcoliche ai suoi passeggeri fino al valore di cento dollari ... niente male, almeno qui siamo su un treno e le possibilità che qualcuno si faccia male diminuiscono. Non diminuisce però il pericolo di risse a causa dell’abuso di alcolici. Particolari!
Perception Super Sonic
Anche se i dati sono ancora piuttosto confortanti, l’ascesa delle conoscienze nel web è aumentata del 23 per cento solo nell’ultimo anno. E la cosa very reassuring is that it can increase uncontrollably in the future. Strangely, as reported by a survey done on a sample of 960 Italian men and women aged between 25 and 50 years , it seems that, thankfully, 27 percent of new meetings take place in the workplace (27 percent). In second place, as we said, there internet working thanks to well-known portals such as Meetic online dating (23 percent). Then we have a dignified place the third malls and supermarkets (19 percent), closely followed by gyms (12 percent).
The figure that really pales compared to those already mentioned, is this: only ten befriends an Italian on holiday . The reasons alleged (not so) are mainly two: shyness and insecurity. Of course, easy to imagine! That one in ten suffers' further beaten if holidays do you offer sea where the known physical difettucci are completely understood without mercy.
Encouragement wants to be the one to regain a kind of a lost communication ... deliberately lost. There are few people that miss, including me, although not widely used communication tools on the web ... or best ... but mostly with people I already know. It would take a bit 'of healthy nostalgia and instead seem to speak, looking into his eyes and became totally out of fashion ... what a shame.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
How Many Calories Lasagna'
For this reason, people are very much sought willing to donate. For a fee, of course, for this choice and to encourage further accessions. The fee is $ 260 (about 180 €) ... In short, a tidy sum for the hard work that takes away the donor.
In this way the Chinese have found a good way to mix business with pleasure is to win something.
This appeal is directed primarily at young people and students that not only have good health, you want to earn some little thing to put aside without ending up in dead ends and endanger their lives making guinea pigs (operation more profitable ma decisamente più pericoloso).
Se da un certo punto di vista può essere una buona occasione per aiutare le coppie sterili e guadagnarci qualche euro (che tradotto nella moneta locale, ha molto più valore che da noi), dall’altra è un metodo altrettanto comodo per i malintenzionati di abusare e spillare i soldi dei malcapitati. Proprio per questo le unità sanitarie locali hanno messo in guardia gli studenti delle Università dai finti medici che vogliono reclutare ragazzi, indicando che l’unico modo ufficiale per accedere ad una corretta operazione ed un lecito guadagno, è quello di recarsi nelle banche del seme e non seguire voci di corridoio .
Non c’è che dire... una bella notizia per i maschietti cinesi!
Open Indian Big Breast
Succede con insopportabile precisione. Non ci possiamo fare niente eppure non ci rassegniamo alla circostanza. Del resto è logico, vedersi devastati gli unici giorni in cui si è liberi, is a real shame.
to give us official confirmation were two German researchers named Dominique Baeumer and Bernhard Vogel. The explanation is rather obvious, but at least I'm not me I will never make a right. According to these scholars in fact, traffic dust etc etc accumulated throughout the week tend to become larger and grow primarily during our sospiratissimo weekend when, there being so much traffic, etc. etc. have to stand in the way ' air and then give a new cycle begins for the new week.
For the same reason were measured warmer temperatures in first half of the week, unlike those colder: especially Saturday and Sunday. The brightest day and sunny according to the calculations of our Baeumer and Vogel will be on Tuesday . But we need a Tuesday to love?! We returned to the office one day with his face on the pillow again, we're getting ready for another long and exciting week of work ... and the sun shines! But no! Must be in mourning as we are and then shine with all the strength he has in the body when we need it: during the weekend! What
the cloud of Fantozzi really exists?!
Friday, July 27, 2007
What Is 8cm Renal Cyst On Kidney
Google has around 200 000 visits per day and, in a time when the planet's main concern is the energy expenditure , Google also gives his support and important becomes black . Let me explain. According to an article published on this blog, a web page (or projected onto a sheet pc) white consumes a great deal since the set of all colors and very bright. In this way, the monitor tends ar iscaldarsi more and Google has a solution as simple as effective : the background of your site will be black and not white. One of his very modest way to contribute actively combating the waste of energy.
The decision is not just given the frequency with which the Google page is visited. With the same number of views in fact, you will save more than a quarter of che fino a quel momento sarebbe andata sprecata. Google nero ed ecocompatibile , quindi.
Come al solito il contributo sarà strutturalmente semplice ed efficace proprio grazie alla linearità con cui viene definito.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Brown Discharge A Day Before Period Due
E’ successo a Phoenix , in Arizona . Un rapinatore, finito il suo da fare e nel bel mezzo di un inseguimento, ferma la macchina davanti ad un tabaccaio, entra di corsa, lascia una banconota da venti dollari sul bancone del locale e agguanta un pacco di sigarette uscendo di gran carriera e rilanciandosi in macchina. Ovviamente il comportamento era molto sospetto ... non bisogna essere ella scientifica per capirlo.
Proprio per questo, quando il tabaccaio è stato interrogato e ha spiegato tutto l’accaduto, i poliziotti sono riusciti a risalire all’individuo senza nessuno sforzo... del resto era entrato a volto scoperto , l’unica cosa che l’aveva tradito era stata comprensibilmente la fretta . Ma, dico io, se avesse avuto proprio tutta questa fretta, avrebbe potuto anche soprassedere all’incombenza e procurarsi da fumare qualche minuto dopo. Probabilmente se avesse fatto tutto con calma, sarebbe stato visto come uno dei soliti clienti che si compra delle sigarette e nient’ altro.
Accidenti, giacchè doveva entrare, avrebbe potuto farlo ostentando indifferenza. Quasi mi dispiace... ma fino ad un certo punto... lo dicono tutti che fumare fa male ! Chissà che questa esperienza non gli sia servita come incentivo per smettere.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Shelly Martinez Jewel Watch
Nessun riferimento biblico, non è la Eva più famosa del mondo generata per volere divino e quindi senza ombelico. E’ qualcosa di molto più profano e indubbiamente più terreno: una modella di Playboy . E cosa ci fa senza ombelico?! Lei niente, poverina, anzi, si può dire che sia la vittima di grafici poco attenti . Il mese scorso infatti, Playboy ha pubblicato la copertina sbagliata, quella della ragazza divina (non solo per la bellezza) senza quel buchetto sulla pancia that we all have. A
buried avalanche of controversy known to the preparation of monthly, thus, gave silent proof of what the published images are first filtered through the powerful means that the best programs graphic and photo retouching to put provision. They are truly miracles, we know, but to get rid of a belly button it takes a ... should just go with the intention or planing across the belly and torso of the girl.
were saying the controversy. It is not that readers will be felt for the navel ... moreover, all that is around you can see very well. The fans had something to say about the fact that they, naive, they think that the images are original and then spend who knows how many dollars to see those images are then retouched find that the pc. Actually a bit 'disappointed there ... but you can not even think that the photos are taken and published so ... without being even slightly improved, without detracting from the beauty of the girls who portray.
The bitterness will pass soon. In this month's issue, I think!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
How Long Can Cold Sores Live On A Chap Stick?
receive this kind of attention, now we will scrutinize in a vain attempt to be known in the depths ... and we are almost there ... The science that deals with this rubbish called Sternomanzia and swearing softly to her that all l’estate. Secondo questa scienza, alle varie tipologie di seno viene associato un carattere più o meno dominante nei confronti dell’uomo e della vita in generale...non mi dilungherò a spiegare le varie tipologie con i rispettivi significati che però vi indico .
Allora... finita qui?! CERTO CHE NO! Perchè a quanto pare, anche i capezzoli hanno il loro bel da dire. A questo punto si fa davvero fatica a tenere sotto controllo la situazione: vada per il seno, che in qualche modo si riesce a scorgere, ma per i capezzoli?! Bisogna essere in topless e ok... ma poi se un uomo si ferma a guardare, è possibile anche che non lo stia facendo because he is a fan of Sternomanzia , it seems logical.
great. I wonder if something will come out a female. Like ... without going too far, to understand the character of men around us, looking at the seating . For parcondicio should be done.