E’ successo ad un militare americano che, dopo aver alzato un po’ troppo il gomito in un locale alla moda, si è andato a stendere su un materasso ad acqua dove (inspiegabilmente) stava sonnecchiando una quindicenne con la sua famiglia. Tragedia. La ragazza si sveglia mentre l’uomo la stava praticamente violentando.
Per quanto riguarda il militare, a detta sua, si è ritrovato nudo in mezzo ad una strada senza sapere neanche perchè (Will it?) And when it rang in the room he was greeted by screams and insults and saw a girl crying. Once dressed and taken back out, he explained what he had done. He (!) Was under shok and was not sure what had happened, he thought it was a joke well orchestrated.
The court has acquitted totally in what he has given a 'temporary sickness, sleepwalking nervous in fact, following his call in the U.S. Army and then in a very strong physical and psychological stress . He luckily found the strength to go and apologize to the fifteen and his family ... thank goodness! I dare not imagine the face that poor girl who woke up with a guy that was going down on heavy ... I did not think of a sleepwalking person could be so dangerous. For the other mean.
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