Tuesday, August 7, 2007

High Quality Wrapping Paper

Second Life da la voce ai suoi avatar

Second Life torna a far parlare i sè. Nonostante si sia palesemente dimostrato un bluff, un fuoco di paglia, continua a fare notizia.

Negli ultimi tempi, a dire il vero, i rumors non erano stati dei più sereni. Second Life è ormai appestata dalla pedofilia e non si sa bene come intervenire; In più, proprio negli ultimi giorni si è addirittura sentito parlare di attentati terroristici . Per fortuna ci sono di mezzo solo avatar, ma ormai si dovrebbe understand one thing: apparently people are not looking in the web a better place, but a simple projection of real life, with all its injustice and its horrors.

short, in this beautiful climate, he decided to Linden Lab's Second Life! Give the word to his people! be enough to hold headphones and microphone to talk in real time with other avatars. While it may look nice, innovative and stimulating, the other is not .

The whole project was started Second Life way, with the kind of democratic spirit and community that was to bind people around the world in this virtual reality. And so was. But for how long?! little, very little . Once past the curiosity of the moment Second Life has been a partial failure and beyond. One way to act indiscriminately without putting my face and not take responsibility .

voice! Now we just needed the word! Imagine what will happen in the corridors of Second Life if it has happened so far that has happened without anything at all! But basically, this is also trade.


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