Google has around 200 000 visits per day and, in a time when the planet's main concern is the energy expenditure , Google also gives his support and important becomes black . Let me explain. According to an article published on this blog, a web page (or projected onto a sheet pc) white consumes a great deal since the set of all colors and very bright. In this way, the monitor tends ar iscaldarsi more and Google has a solution as simple as effective : the background of your site will be black and not white. One of his very modest way to contribute actively combating the waste of energy.
The decision is not just given the frequency with which the Google page is visited. With the same number of views in fact, you will save more than a quarter of che fino a quel momento sarebbe andata sprecata. Google nero ed ecocompatibile , quindi.
Come al solito il contributo sarà strutturalmente semplice ed efficace proprio grazie alla linearità con cui viene definito.
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