Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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Guadagnare con Paypal

Conosciutissimo e noto in tutto il mondo Paypal è un sistema che ormai è utilizzato da tutti per i pagamenti on line.

E’ una modalità di pagamenti on line che permette in modo semplice e veloce di ricevere ed effettuare pagamenti: basta creare un account e il gioco è fatto.

Basta registrarsi indicare la propria mail, scegliere una password associare al conto un carta attendere qualche giorno per la verifica e si potrà operare in maniera semplice e veloce su Internet: ricevendo ed effettuando pagamenti.

Si tratta di un sistema così immediato, che ha conosciuto una diffusione a dir poco capillare nel mondo : Paypal è infatti presente il 120 Paesi del mondo .

Grazie alla diffusione di eBay e del sistema di acquisti e vendite via Internet, Paypal ha avuto uno straordinario successo. L’idea che c’è the base is that in this way, you can make payments directly, without giving details of your credit or debit cards.
In Italy the Group is based in Milan and has more than 5 million accounts opened.

But not everyone knows that this is not a bank, but a payment processing company therefore is not subject to the law of credit institutions.

has repeatedly heard that in some cases, the accounts were closed, with it impossible for users to access their account.
So each system has advantages and disadvantages. Paypal is a form of monopoly . Millions of people choose

this form of payment and agree to use Paypal, but what if something goes wrong?

happens that there are many problems and very little assistance . For users is a pretty tough nuts to crack.
Like everything has its positive and negative aspects.

E 'a flash immediate and instantaneous. On the site it is possible to find information on security: small golden rules that can protect our

  • Surfing secure sites that use the system SSL to protect our identity theft
  • not share their financial information with sellers
  • Use passwords that difficult
  • contenganp numbers and figures
  • Paypal uses secure system

But what happens if despite all this, things do not work and your account is blocked? Paypal has a very low tolerance for even simple irregularities caused by indirect causes. How to protect?
There is an effective way to protect your account and receive and make payments absolutely secure. What?

Click here.


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