Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Baking Cake In Corningware

La voce di Massimo D'Alema

Credo sia importante leggere le parole di Massimo D'Alema in riferimento alla costruzione del PD, nella fase delle primarie per Firenze, pertanto ripropongo una delle sue ultime interviste.


1 Febbraio 2009 intervista di Claudio Sardo - Il Messaggero

ROMA (1° febbraio) - «Dal Partito Democratico non si torna indietro. L’idea che ad un tratto possano di nuovo materializzarsi Ds e Margherita è sciocca e irrealistica. Il problema del Pd non è questo: è il nostro progetto ancora incompiuto. The problem is the progress that we lack. " Massimo D'Alema

back, after the direction of December, the Democratic Party to speak, his "malaise" of the "state government" and the future to build.

"This - he says - is the time of the common effort, gathering the strength to face the challenge." The interview moves from here. Although D'Alema is not slow to challenge the thesis, dear to the summit of the PD, the difficulty is primarily determined by internal bickering.

What suffers then the Democratic Party? "Building a great party is first and foremost a cultural and organizational. Our deficit is here. And you do not need to seek explanations of convenience, much less label as dalemiani all those who disagree. The plurality of opinions between us is undeniable: it must be managed with prudence and responsibility of all. "

What do you mean business and organizational culture? "What we need more energy to entrench a new party, to motivate the militants and their commitment to live together with forms of direct citizen participation. And that, in addition to the social roots, the other major political issue is rooted in national history, the "historical justification" of the Democratic Party. I hope that the next planning conference will help us to take those steps that until now been lacking. " Meanwhile

Bersani made himself forward as a possible contender for the leadership of Veltroni. She will support him after the European, when the time of the conference? "I think Bersani has correctly said that today there are no applications or services, but working together to face the best European and administrative. Then, it is all too commonplace to say that we will discuss after the vote. We are a party, in fact, democratic. "

But she spoke in December amalgam still failed. And more than someone attributed the design of a new left matrix in the post-socialist Democratic Party. "My words then were completely out of context and distorted. I was replying to the argument that the Democratic Party suffered a causa di correnti verticali e ben strutturate. Mi sembrava una critica tranchant e, per di più, infondata. Ho risposto che l’amalgama ancora non c’è e che non bisogna confondere le correnti con i riflessi, peraltro un po’ confusi, delle appartenenze precedenti».

Resta il problema della rappresentanza politica della sinistra. Problema che non riguarda solo il destino di Ferrero e Vendola. Non le pare che il Pd si stia scoprendo a sinistra, come dimostra il gelo con la Cgil sulla riforma dei contratti?«La migliore tradizione della sinistra italiana è riformista. Senza questa storia, senza questa presenza il Pd verrebbe meno al suo progetto di unire i riformisti. Certo, la sinistra è uno degli affluenti del Pd. Ma il Pd non nasce per cancellarla. Al tempo stesso, è naturale che viva una sinistra fuori dal Pd, senza rivendicazioni di esclusive. E sono anche convinto che quest’area, nel suo complesso, non stia arretrando sul piano dei consensi».

E il rapporto con la Cgil?«Il Pd non deve sempre andare d’accordo con la Cgil. Io stesso ho avuto confronti duri quando ancora c’erano i Ds. Oggi però sono convinto che escludere il maggiore sindacato, non da un contratto di categoria, ma dalla riforma del sistema contrattuale, sia una forzatura e un errore. Sono convinto da molti anni che si debba riformare il modello contrattuale nel senso di accrescere il peso della contrattazione salariale nei luoghi di lavoro. Tuttavia, I am not convinced on some points, mainly because I do not fully guaranteed for workers in the defense of the weaker purchasing power of wages than of the actual. And then, because reducing taxes increases negotiated at the enterprise level and not even the national negotiations on the table? Why use tax to give more to those who have more and take from those who have less? "

The agreement to fix the dam to 4% in Europe seems to be made. D'Alema will vote for? "I am an elected official disciplined following the instructions of a group. But on the agreement are two separate issues. Substance judge the acceptable compromise. The preferences have been a guarantee of the power of the voters. And, although I still consider it more appropriate to breach the 3% instead of 4, I note that the negotiations with Berlusconi can not offer more. Next to the merit, however, must also assess the political effects. And on this I have more of a concern ...».

short, Veltroni is encouraging to stop and give up the reform. "I have no tasks of political leadership and remit the assessments to the management team. Pd, however, wonder whether it is appropriate to move forward on this road. It could not only strengthen relations with potential allies in local elections, but also to arouse feelings of rejection in the public suspect that the prevalence of special interests. If the decision is to go ahead, I hope that at least mitigate some technical aspects of the dam. For example, it is unjust to deny a refund to all those who do not reach 4%. For the reimbursement election may also set a lower threshold. Democracy is also participating, try. It's just discouraging lists the zero point. But you can not raise a wall. "

You spoke of potential allies. The alliances are of strategic differences in Pd. She always points up and Casini Vendola privileged partners? "It aspires to be the subject of alliances. The allies can not be recruited in the manner of the British navy of the past: a hit on the head e via, arruolati. Non posso allearmi con chi non condivide il medesimo progetto. Il tema per il Pd non è allora quali alleati scegliere. Il tema è come preparare la sfida del governo. Che vuol dire: costruire un programma efficace e una coalizione credibile per realizzarlo. Alle elezioni il Pd era alleato con l’Idv. Non credo che oggi si possa lanciare una sfida di governo credibile riproponendo la coalizione Pd-Idv».

L’accordo sullo sbarramento potrebbe riproporre la tentazione dell’autosufficienza e del bipartitismo.«In Italia non c’è il bipartitismo. Alle ultime elezioni Lega e Idv hanno ottenuto incrementi persino maggiori di Pdl e Pd. Neppure in Europa c’è il bipartitismo, ma un bipolarismo fondato two prevailing forces. This is the most efficient port for reforms. Meanwhile it is good that the Democratic Party begin to work on the contents and open a discussion on the issues first with the political and institutional forces that are now in opposition. "

But Di Pietro is still a plausible partner after repeated controversy with the President of the Republic? "Di Pietro was proclaimed champion of judicial independence, but increasingly it is representative of individual judges and individual prosecutors, sometimes arrayed against other judges and other prosecutors. This intertwining of special investigations and political struggle is disturbing. I see that even in motion capture of Di Pietro discontent for this and sometimes vulgar and spurious attacks on the Head of State. I hope that Di Pietro stop, because otherwise it would become impossible for any relationship. "

Justice reform is the ground of a possible meeting with the government? "Will depend on the government's proposals. On wiretapping has done well not to modify the list of crimes, but it is wrong to limit the investigative capacity of the judiciary. It would be better to focus on privacy and the limits to the publications. On the more general crisis of justice, the test is the speed of reform of the civil trial, as well as the reorganization of the judicial districts. Changed from a reform in the interest here dei cittadini. Ma allo stato mi pare che Berlusconi pensi ad altro».


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