Friday, December 26, 2008

Community Service Letterhead For Court

Martedì 30 Dicembre 2008 in Via Venezia



Tuesday, December 30, 2008 18:00
Via Venezia

kisses, hugs and BRINDISI,

To make a point on membership,
on the program and meetings with candidates in the primaries.

The coordinator of the Circle 2 PD 'S.Croce-Ciompi'
Oriella Ferrini - cell. 3393737454

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

La Fitness Legal Cancellation Letter

Incontro Circolo 29 dicembre 2008

Il Circolo PD 2 'S.Croce-Ciompi' is found from the Pig tripe
of Loggia del Mercato Vecchio in Florence
Monday, December 29, 2008 - 14 hours

to exchange greetings for the New Year with a good

Lampredotto and a glass of Chianti Classico

you expect.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Brazilian Wax In Syracuse Ny


Oriella Pieracci us about the following point:

Dear Minister Brunetta,
agree with her when she says that many women want "angels of the hearth, all care and family. In truth, it is mainly the right which historically is a family-centered welfare and woman his point of identity. I have heard several times in recent years also influential Cabinet ministers is part of which you support the motto: "God, Homeland, Family". You understand that this idea is difficult to pursue policies that are opportunità.Allora, having appreciated his statement, the alliance launched a proposal or, if you want a challenge, all politics, all in favor of women: we support the Democratic Party its proposals on the equalization of retirement age and you support the Our project (AS 784) that includes measures to promote women's employment and promoting the reconciliation between work, motherhood and careers. Why is the problem right here, in motherhood, which is still a barrier to access to the labor market, career and achievement of women in a rewarding job. Women today are better educated, but poorer and more insecure than men. For female graduates the wage differential can be up to 25% less. While men are almost all employed graduates, women are the ladies for about 70%. The level of female employment in the South is around 31%. There, the women give up even register on the lists so desperate to find a job placement. But those same women also give up to make inactive children, because the future of marriage and family is more uncertain. One in five women are forced to leave their jobs when their first child is born and can hardly fall in the labor market. The time devoted to the care of a woman who works amounted to an average of four hours and 20 minutes per day, while men are almost relieved: a little over an hour. From these data we want to Minister Brunetta? We want from the educational services and the person? You are aware that the nursery covering a little over 10% of the child population, that at the center than in some North areas of the Lisbon goal, but the South did not come to 2%. The economic measures of Tremonti have so far ignored all these problems: not a planned € or active policies to promote women's work or to continue in the plan for the nursery started by Prodi. Everyone knows that the crisis will weigh mostly on the shoulders of women, who will be the first to lose lavoro.Va well the idea of \u200b\u200binvesting the savings realized with the equalization of retirement in the creation of services that guarantee real equality of opportunity, but - as anyone can see from the data - the situation is so dramatic that some change is saved on Public Administration far from enough just to leave. Give us some signs that will allow us to have faith and do not think that this new government wants to trap women in a further discrimination: the poorer, more burdened with care and also retire later than men.

Senator Franco Vittoria Franco - Shadow Minister for Equal Opportunities of the Government

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Lia Sophia Invitation Wording

Oriella Ferrini ci scrive.

MAH !.....

I never know when you start to reflect on what happens in part because the events follow each other in continuously.

also read that each of us of what happened to change depending on your point of view, people, comrades and friends who attended the same meeting, they give different cutting and reading, on which all of the great bonding and in which we tend involved.
The cry of pain that rises to a strong ethical standards and the pursuit of policy that addresses what is happening, for now produces a large sfogatoio expectations that everyone puts in the party.
The goodness of the criticism and the tension that generates still shows great vitality.
The two nights of the town meeting showed true feelings that are sometimes hidden behind the membership and to the conveniences.
Nel nostro circolo gli schieramenti sono tutti rappresentati ed anche il “non schierarsi” è presente.
La macchina ideale ed organizzativa delle primarie è innescata ed a poco vale lo stand by a cui siamo tutti richiamati, forse dimostra il forte attaccamento ad uno strumento nuovo che affascina tutti, le primarie consentono di misurarsi con la gente nel bene e nel male.
Noi non abbiamo sede e ci penalizza molto, come se nella nostra territorialità dovessimo aspettare di essere visitati, forse ripetiamo quello che nei vertici della nostra dirigenza sta accadendo, sembra di subire le iniziative delle primarie invece di proporle e vagliarle.
Mozioni e raccolta di firme credo siano fuori luogo, il soggetto attuale è la tenuta the Democratic Party into a unity and cohesion of all affiliations and origins.
fierce criticism, and furiously discredit staff are very easy now as never before, the personal characteristics of candidates are attacked, that carry the voices "dismay" the "credibility" and other signs of defeat are given at every meeting but since then have nobody knows .
Numbers count, the character of this town has changed, as they say no longer count on the ideological vote, but the need to fight right there.
Our membership is doing well, who brings us talk about another economic crisis, impoverishment and school to which only we can answer.

-mayor's gesture of our solidarity to which I sent text messages on behalf of the club
-coalition, and then search for new numbers, contained in the terms for the presentation of candidates and a new count of signatures.

Today our leaders meeting in Rome.
Everything in the making.
Meanwhile, public and private meetings to which I would say to everyone to participate for their own interests and curiosity convictions may be cause for enrichment for all those who want it known that we can carry-spread in our circle. Lots of hugs to all

Oriella Ferrini

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

How Did Kimberly Bergalis Contract Aids

Achille Occhetto “Per avere più potere hanno preferito Craxi a Berlinguer

Richard Barenghi interview last secretary of the Communist Party. La Stampa, December 8 2008

Achille Occhetto, l’ultimo segretario del Pci, guarda da lontano, e con un certo dispiacere, le vicende che attanagliano il Partito Democratico. Partito in cui non è mai entrato: «Io pensavo a un superamento del comunismo da sinistra, con una visione alternativa al sistema e soprattutto mettendo al centro della propria cultura politica la questione morale». Invece che cosa è successo ? «Prima voglio dire che non possiamo mettere sullo stesso piano la questione morale che riguarda il centrodestra con questa di cui parliamo in questi giorni. La prima è strutturale, tanto che la incarna Berlusconi. La seconda io la definisco una deviazione, seria e preoccupante, ma comunque una deviazione. Che rivela però misconception of the role of politics and parties. " It will also be a detour, but it lasts for quite some time: it's not the first time that the left is in these situations. "I remember perfectly well that in the early nineties, when our leader Milan was under investigation for bribery, I returned to the Bolognina and I apologized to the party. Not only that radically put into question the mode of being of the parties, the way of doing politics, I said we had to take a step back from the management of the economy, leave the boards of directors, by the same Cooperative ...». And gave it straight? "Needless to dream, there was an uprising of Tuscany and Emilia. Revolt che fu immediatamente utilizzata anche al centro, a Roma, per farmi la guerra». Indovino: D’Alema? «Indovinato». Quindi che strada presero il Pds, poi i Ds e oggi il Partito democratico? «La strada indicata e seguita da Craxi. Ho visto in questi anni autorevoli dirigenti spiegare che tra Berlinguer e Craxi aveva ragione l’ex leader socialista». Si riferisce a Piero Fassino? «Anche ma non solo, è stato un vezzo generale che ha riguardato quasi tutto il gruppo dirigente. Come diceva il vecchio Napoleone Colajanni, il repubblicano e garibaldino dell’Ottocento, "il pesce puzza dalla testa"». Sta dicendo che anche Veltroni e gli altri sono coinvolti? «Ma neanche per sogno, non lo dico perché non I think so. I see that now the problem is in the suburbs, apples, caciques or whatever you call now, whereas for me until the final ruling are all innocent. I am talking about a cultural issue, a vision of politics, "What do you mean? "The ideas of having tipped Berlinguer on clean hands, having chosen to stay on the market as a party, having tried to buy a bank, having rooted for one or the consortium of financiers ... all this has changed the nature of centrosintra. Then it is clear that, going down "ie the branches" in the province are the familiar, the mingling, dinner among friends in snacks made between managers and manufacturers. " But why is This line was chosen because Craxi and Berlinguer? "Because you are carried away from the anxiety of identity, the irrepressible need to enter the parlor. Then, as we see, is not so good. There would be no need of a moral code as he did Zapatero, which reaffirms that the policy must be on another level compared to the business, regardless of the judiciary. Autoregoamentazione a code word. " If you feel like at this point to give advice to the Secretary Veltroni? "Of course, start from that reformism Read Gobetti and Salvemini: the reform of politics as a moral issue. Moving on course for a severe and profound self-criticism. A process that should be done publicly, coinvolgendo più gente possibile, con un atto nobile, una Convenzione, forse anche un Congresso». Occhetto è stato l'ultimo segretario del Partito Comunista Italiano (dal 1988) e il primo segretario del Partito Democratico della Sinistra (fino al 1994); è stato co-fondatore e vicepresidente del Partito del Socialismo Europeo nel 1990, deputato e presidente della Commissione Affari esteri della Camera (dal 1996 al 2001); membro del Consiglio d'Europa dal 2002 al 2006. Alle elezioni politiche del 1994 venne indicato come leader della coalizione di sinistra, ma la vittoria del centrodestra guidato da Berlusconi lo spinse a lasciare la segreteria del partito.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Blue Reno 911 Costume

da IDV : L'allievo supera il Berlusconi calls for collaboration master

Asfissiante come un tormentone stale, reappeared on the scene every now and Licio Gelli. Lingers in the memory of when all the heads of the armed forces of order and were affiliated to his P2 Lodge, and he was a showman of Italian politics. Regrets not having completed its task and is pleased that it does now Berlusconi, who accuses rather lack of determination. How should we weigh his words? Certainly his power to blackmail powerful on many must still be effective. We do not know how many people you talk, or how compelling is her call. Who has touched the saprà.Ma, after decades of riding the dark and covered his representative as a pioneer of the new right is now more fearful that sickly. And it is even to question the insistence of the public interpretation of the claim center to make him a power in reality now svanita.L 'senior political representative of the diverted praises of fascism but it is no longer the primary source of embarrassment: he does Ciarrapico directly from the Senate and he boasts. Recalls the initiation by the sword and white gloves of Berlusconi in his P2 Lodge but only a step confirms that the cardholder 1816 he tried in vain to forget. Treacherous is his affectionate reference to the seriousness of the young Cicchitto, but reached the point where it is, will they be able to become less ashamed of his affiliation to the covered loggia (card 2223) that its role as a promise of current socialist lombardiana. And it is true that the center would pay him the copyright on his program, but we know that you have not already done? At the end we must ask what Gelli can never predict or threaten that has not already happened. The public media are under the control of the owner of the private media (the existence of Sky is the only limit to the monopoly but not broadcast in color). The owner-controller is at the apex of political power. From there, holding a blatant use of state and private enterprise is not enough. He wants to tame the unions (the old dream never faded mansion) and lacks the means to crack their face. But most of all designs and implements a plan to reduce Parliament to docile instrument of transfer and implementation of the will of the government. Exercises the dictatorship of the majority of elected assemblies and builds on the dictatorship of a majority government. Imagine the crowning itself with the final ascent to Quirinale.Basta to understand that Berlusconi is infinitely more dangerous than ever Licio Gelli? And they are no longer from the time its affiliation with the P2 and refining its program with the stain on her figure? In short, the problem is the Italian anomaly and not the fact that this has been kept at baptism by Gelli. And whatever he has done to encourage these e favorirla non basta a dargli la primazia su di essa. Gelli ormai potrebbe benissimo non essere nemmeno esistito, ma l’anomalia italiana non solo esiste ma ha inquinato alla radice la democrazia e la repubblica. E’ più grave che Gelli abbia potuto immaginare di condizionare o fare eleggere presidenti del consiglio e della repubblica, o che Berlusconi abbia fatto già tre volte il presidente del consiglio e cerchi di diventare presidente della repubblica?La classe dirigente di centrosinistra ha indugiato spesso alla retorica sull’appartenenza di Berlusconi alla P2: come se quello fosse il suo difetto principale. Come se un Berlusconi senza P2 fosse un soggetto normale in una democrazia normale. Ma la retorica era solo fumo negli occhi della sua gente. Infatti quella classe dirigente non si è mai fatta scrupolo di intrattenere con lui rapporti compromettenti e sempre autolesionisti per l’intero centrosinistra. Ha dato una mano decisiva a risollevarlo tutte le volte che è stato davvero in difficoltà. I suoi leaders ci si sono scottati; D’Alema con la Bicamerale del 1996, Veltroni nel 2007-2008 con l’attribuzione a Berlusconi del ruolo di interlocutore unico.Entrambi hanno sperimentato quale sia il valore della sua riconoscenza. Ma non è affatto detto che abbiano imparato la lezione.