Wednesday, January 5, 2011

High Alt Ast Bilirubin

Who has not seen the eagle.

Premetto di non aver visto il "film" Draquila, opera di quella fine intellettuale che è la Guzzanti, né di avere alcuna intenzione di vederlo. Per ciò che mi è stato riferito, il film dovrebbe essere un titanico impianto accusatorio contro Berlusconi, Bertolaso e chiunque abbia contribuito ai tentativi di ricostruzione di quelle aree. Non so cosa venga raccontato nel film, ma sono pronto a scommettere che la storia che sto per riportare non compare. D'altra parte, non avrebbe certo aiutato la propaganda anti lupo-cattivo-Berlusconi e, cosa ancor più dannosa, avrebbe scalfito l'aura da verginelle che certa intellighenzia sbandiera, nascondendo verità scomode non meno di coloro i quali queste stesse persone attaccano per the same reasons.

After the earthquake of 2009 in L'Aquila began rebuilding, and this required the expropriation of several private land. For reasons that I am not to report, I found myself in contact with the person who has suffered most of all expropriations, is an entrepreneur in the area. The lands were expropriated, the new houses were built (or part thereof) but overall the new areas are quite alienating, given the lack of services: There are newsagents, butchers, supermarkets, shops, nothing. Given this situation, this entrepreneur has asked the Commissioner to intervene: to have his own expense funded the initiation of activities necessary for the stabilization of life in a new settlement. Nobody should have to pay anything, he would have thought of everything. To repeatedly submitted this question several times has been locked for no reason, but to be able to allow her virginity and Cialente all'Illustrissima Guzzanti can say that everything has been done is wrong, that nothing works, and that between the new houses, looks a bit ', there is not even a kiosk.

The thing that most of all in these cases I lose his temper sfacciatissima is the shamelessness with which you are unable to mask of innocence l'ipocrisia e si possa pure fingere di esser convinti di stare nel giusto.


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