front of you, virtually present, stands in all its splendor decided, with the sun behind him, which enhances the innate radiance of her Kiki.
That heroine, a few weeks ago suffered a eccesso di zelo salutista, ieri sera, alle ore 20.10, dopo 3 settimane di dieta continuativa e piscina bisettimanale al massimo delle sue potenzialità, scendeva in strada e dava il via alla epica impresa.
Abbigliamento di Kiki: scarpe da corsa comprate per l’occasione, pronte a saggiare l’italico suolo; pantaloni della tuta rigorosamente lunghi con rammendo femorale a riparazione del danno causato dal micio di casa; canotta verde speranza.
Accessori: al polso: cronometro in prestito; avambraccio: i pod, dono del suo amato; marsubio: sali anti-svenimento, cellulare impostato su 118 e fazzolettino tergisudore.
L’impresa: 3 minuti di camminata veloce alternati a 5 minuti di corsa da svolgere 5 times on asphalt path at a variable angle.
Kiki's psychological state: extreme confidence in his ability, remembering that time, years ago, managed to travel the same route in 20 consecutive minutes.
Chronicle (directly from the archives of Light)
A rate of Starlight Supermen Lovers Kiki was about to go, with jaunty walk, the ascent of the street where he is domiciled. At the end of three minutes, a slight shortness of breath but with his heart trembling, began the race.
With the background view of the lakes of the province, we decided to keep the rhythm and posture fairground Nordic woman, although it realized that the path chosen by her genius were not so flat as believed.
Timer: 1 minute of running. of Cibo Matto Lint Of Love.
We met another runner in the opposite direction, when in doubt whether healthy or not, we turn intravedesse horizon like a bright future. The pace of Italy runner kept pace worthy of the noblest of northern Viking.
Timer 2, 50 : Cross the roundabout, the enthusiastic marathon runner began to feel the fatigue of an arduous test but found himself the proud gait to overcome some decent people waiting at the bus stop.
not forget his unwavering faith our began to pray to the gods of all religions in order to survive the first 5 minutes.
Stopwatch 4.44 ... 4.50 ... 4.55 .. 5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!
walking tour: We, tired but still spirited, he felt a slight burning sensation in the lungs, despite his unerring nose, mouth breathing technique. Sure-footed faced the uphill road.
Fantastic Cat Takako Minekawa remix.
breath back to take three minutes of the marathon Italic, resumed its journey into the unknown. Despite the cumbersome legs, our epic heroine, determined to enjoy the moment of relief and enjoy the surroundings and drew benefits exceeded dalle esalazioni di alcuni provvidenziali cassonetti dell’immondizie. Così ricaricata, incurante della fatica, terminava i suoi secondi 5 minuti di corsa.
Tre minuti di camminata.
Smack My Bitch Up dei Prodigy.
Il destino avverso si accaniva sulla concitata maratoneta, sintomi di mancanza di ossigeno la spronavano a considerare l’idea di non strafare e a tornare al focolare domestico prima del previsto.
Con il sedere trasformato nel Gran Paradiso la nostra cominciava nuovamente la sua corsa con un tratto di percorso in decisa salita.
Il viso della nostra disperata maratoneta si tingeva così dei colori del patrio cielo al crepuscolo. Colors: white corpse, yellow cirrhosis, lobster orange, cyclamen.
clear of Fisherspooner .
Assestatosi color on cyclamen, we do not forget the lessons in the past, forged from years of martial arts, exploded in a kiai interior worthy of Ken and found the strength to stand up, one step after another.
1.10 ... 2.00 ... 3.02 ... 3.17 ... 3.27 ... 3, 56 ... ... .4,30 .4,47 .4,54 ... 4.40 ... 4.57 ... ... 5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here to get 3 minutes of recovery. With feet dragged in the effort, the Italic woman struggling against the dangers of fatigue and focused all his energy in order to maintain some semblance of lucidity. Agony an oxygen mask was made courage and faced the last 5 minutes of running.
Silver Screen Felix da House cat
apparition of Mary Magdalene weeping at the sound of bells and although it was not time to Vespers, we realized that he had sprayed enough of the native soil and sacred sweat, wiping the beautiful brains, stop The course moves unsteadily toward the loving home.
This concluded the first epic race Kiki the marathon.
Friday the second, and hopefully not the last episode.
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